Thursday, May 3, 2007

A Midsummer Night's Dream:Character Analysis of Helena

Just in the first two scenes of the book A Midsummer Night's Dream we have met many different characters. One character that especially interested me was Helena. In the story Helena is in love with a man named Demetrius. Demetrius previously loved Helena as well and gave her an oath of love. But now Demetrius loves Helena's friend Hermia. Unfortunately, Hermia does not return Demetrius' love, and instead loves a man named Lysander. Hermia and Lysander are planning to get secretely married. Hermia has told Helena her plan of marriage. Helena was supposed to keep this information a secret but she decides to tell Demetrius about Hermia's plan in order to win his affection.
From what I have read so far, I can interpret many different things about Helena's looks and personality. First of all, from the text I have found that Helena is just as fair as Hermia; they are both very beautiful. But Helena feels that Hermia is more beautiful than she is. I believe that she may feel this way because she can think of no other reason for Demetrius to love Hermia more than her. This conflict shows how Helena can be jealous. Also, Demetrius loving Hermia has made Helena lose her self-confidence. Helena seems to always be very depressed and feeling sorry for herself. Another way Demetrius may have altered Helena's personality is by breaking his oath. Before Demetrius loved Hermia, he promised his love to Helena. I can imagine that this must be very hard for Helena. Because of this I can assume she has lost some of her trust in others. But Helena can also not be so trustworthy. This is shown when Hermia tells Helena her plan to marry Lysander. Knowing that if she got caught she could get killed, Hermia still put her trust in Helena. Unfortunately, Helena wasn't as trustworthy as Hermia thought. Helena told Demetrius of Hermia's plan maybe due to jealousy but probably mostly to win Demetrius' love. Either Helena is not a very trustworthy person or she is tremendously in love with Demetrius, enough for her to backstab and risk her friend's life for him.

From what I have interpreted from the book I believe that the actor who plays Helena should be very pretty. Equal in looks to that of Hermia. But I think that the person who plays Helena should have bags under their eyes because Helena lives a very sad life and therefore likely cries a lot. I feel the actor should speak in a soft voice, for she is not confident in herself so she would be timid. Also she may not talk loud because she doesn't have much trust in people. The actor of Helena could also act very mad around Hermia due to her jealousy, maybe give her the stink eye. And finally, Helena should be in love with Demetrius. Her eyes should light up in his presence and she shouldn't take her eyes off him.

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