Thursday, February 8, 2007

Significant Quote from "Lost Sister"

Our class has read the poem, "Lost Sister." This poem is about a girl born in China who moves to America and misses her old culture. We were asked to pick a quote from this poem that we thought was significant. The quote I picked is around the part of the poem where the author has just finished talking about the daughters named Jade and is beginning to tell us about someone across the sea. The author says, "diluting jade green with the blue of the Pacific." I feel this quote is significant because I think it means that she is losing her Chinese culture or the "jade green," and it is being overcome by the American culture or the "blue of the Pacific."

This poem reveals many things about ourselves and how we are created. I think it shows us that our ethnicity or the culture we are born into significantly affects the way we live. It also reveals that the place that you live can affect who you are. This is shown by how the Chinese girl wasn't happy living in America because she missed her life in China.

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