Monday, February 12, 2007

The Woman Warrior Quotes

Our class has just started reading the book "The Woman Warrior." So far, all that we know is that the story is about a chinese girl whose aunt killed herself because she was hated among the village people for having a baby with a man other than her husband. Now the Chinese girl is thinking about her Aunt and what she must have been like.
Today we were assigned to pick two quotes from this book and describe why we think the quotes we picked are significant.
"My aunt could not have been the lone romantic who gave up everything for sex. Women in the old China did not choose. Some man had commanded her to lie with him and be his secret evil." (pg. 6) I feel that this quote is significant because it shows how Maxine's culture has affected the way she thinks. Because the Chinese think that the women do not choose when to have sex, she thinks that the only way her aunt could have gotten pregnant is if she was raped.
Another significant quote that I found is on page 7. "In a commensal tradition, where food is precious, the powerful older people made wrongdoers eat alone. Instead of letting them start separate new lives like the Japanese, who could become samurais and geishas, the Chinese family, faces averted but eyes glowering sideways, hung on the offenders and fed them leftovers." I think this is an important quote becuase it shows how Maxine views her culture. In this quote it seems that she doesn't agree with her cultures beliefs and that she agrees more with another culture, Japanese. This also shows how the Chinese didn't forgive someone for doing something wrong.

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